Hello Spellslingers! Here is a breakdown of the metagame from the February season, based on data taken from mtg-ss team ladder games. Check out our decklist page for sample decks for each of the discussed Spellslingers!

Metagame Breakdown


Thanks to buffs to her signature cards combined with her unrivaled flexibility to play any of the strongest cards in the format, the season of Nissa had arrived in force! Three diferent builds of Nissa stood out among the competitors. Between Nissa Werewolves, OTK Nissa, and Panharmonicon Nissa all boasting winrates close to 80%, Nissa showed she was the most adaptable and difficult to topple Spellslinger among the bunch with the current balance patch.


Vraska was a sleeper pick going into the February season, silently taking games from midrange decks like Domri and Liliana reanimator while proving resilient in battling aggresive red decks. Current builds of Vraska opting for a a more robust endgame with heavy hitters like Primal Summoning, Crush of Wurms and even Craterhoof Behemoth proved to be the most successful. When the dust settled at the end of February, Vraska showed an impressive winrate rivaling Nissa at 72%.


Nahiri was the most successful white aggresive deck this month, although that success was owed to buffs to aggresive red cards like Blitzing Minotaur and Barbarian Class. Slower decks could risk being burned out even after stabilizing the board, since hasting elementals spawned from her land provie a reliable trigger for Indomitable Strength, the Level 3 Barbarian class spell. At a respectable 68% winrate by the end of the season, if you favor white aggro you would be hard pressed to do better than Nahiri. Going into the new season, Nahiri may be a good option for coping with early Davriel builds.


Domri despite a difficult Nissa matchup, still managed to hold on to a significant metagame share and winrate thanks to it’s veery solid plan against all of the non-ramping decks. Domri managed to eke out a near 80% winrate as well as Liliana, it’s greatest foil, was challenged to survive the influx of red aggro. The biggest adaptation to Domri decks, was the decision to modify the lategame plan to include Inferno Titan, a well-stated threat that can quickly close the game out post Lava Wave with repeated removal and face damage. Going into March, die-hard Domri players should expect to still see success thanks to increased metagame diversity from the influx of new Spellslinger options.


While not a very popular strategy, Kiora felt very comfortable in a world of ramping and slamming down Titans. She benefitted well from the Titan buffs, and stood out as one of the few decks that could give Nissa a run for her money in a ramp war thanks in part to on curve answers against Nissa’s draw engine and the powerful lategame threats generated from her passive ability once she hits 10 gems.