Nahiri Strategies and Decklists

This article aims to dive into individual spellslingers and provide deckbuilding inspiration for new players looking to unlock Nahiri by showcasing some more experimental decks from team MTG-SS and the greater community.

Out of Nahiri’s signature cards, Kor Recruit is the most synergistic and likely an auto-include in all of her builds.

Nahiri’s trait, Stoneforged Blade, allows her to turn any creature into a high source of damage. This pairs well with low cost minions, since you can simply use her power to grant them bonus power and allowing them to scale up and trade with creatures at higher mana values.

These factors naturally lend themselves to playing well via a few different routes

1) Evasive threats – Because of the ability to translate mana gems into damage at a fairly efficient rate, Nahiri skies is a natural direction to take her in.

2) Value creatures – Value creatures tend to have low power in exchange for higher utility. Stoneforged Blade allows them to deal damage more on par with their mana cost.

3) Defensive creatures – Creatures with low power but high toughness make excellent use of Nahiri’s ability since they will be able to attack over multiple turns with the stoneforged blade.

Nahiri also has great flexibility in lands, with a bevy of options from Training Yards, to Emberspawn Crags and even Moorland Haunt in some more adventurous evasion focused builds.

Nahiri Trumpet Blast



This is my experimental build of Nahiri seeking to pair armored and efficient white creatures with Trumpet Blast to get multiple turns of value. Power Word: Stun is the curve topping removal spell of choice locking down Mizzium Monstrosity and Liliana Zombies. Emberspawn Crag is the land of choice, allowing you to save up hasting elementals to finish off your opponent after a board clear, trumpets blaring.

Control Nahiri



While the recent nerfs to Gutfire Devil has somewhat limited Gutfire Devil in this meta, this build from MTG-SS team member TehMaggot seeks to bring it back into the limelight. Backed with tons of removal, Fiend Fanatic is doubly useful for finding Gutfire Devil and smacking your opponent with a sword when need be. Fling works great as a cheap removal spell or as a way to finish off your opponent by tossing Gutfire Devils at their dome.

Mythic Nahiri



Lastly, here is a mythic deck from the community Discord. Spellslingers Discord community member BertramNiblitz climbed to Mythic this season using a list which takes advantage of Scalper’s Stand to maintain a steady stream of creatures before finishing you off with powerful hasted creatures backed by enhancements from Stoneforge Mystic and Danitha Capashen. For anyone looking to get started with Nahiri, this is an appealing deck straddling the line between aggro and midrange thanks to the inclusion of high tempo plays like Azra Challenger.

Thanks for reading and keep brewing!