An axe is not a solution to every problem

A card collection is like a good toolbox – there is something in there for every problem. But what good is a toolbox if you never open it and use the right tool for the job ahead? Here is a shortlist of cards that MTG-SS team recommends if you want to get an edge on the current metagame.

Have you ever glanced over at your opponent and noticed they had double your mana in fragile gems? Maybe it’s time to consider playing this forgotten gem. Part ramp spell, part counter spell, Mana Short can be at home in any deck playing blue that has consistent ways to abuse a bump in mana.


This might be something like Jace who can use the increased mana to play down an early extractor or activate his cost reduction ability. It could also be Nissa who can lay down a Centaur Sage ahead of curve and start tearing through her deck. This card is also a low cost include in Teferi shells, as at worst case you can use it as an additional trap to draw some fresh cards. Other decks might want this as a way to bring down Labratory Maniac Jace’s shields so that you can clear him away with Day of Judgement.

One of the most intimidating turns against Teferi is when you are on turn 6 staring across at a board of fully open mana. Do you attack and potentially give him easy trades as your formerly impressive board shrinks away to cards like disorient or vindictive shot. Maybe you are a ramp player who spent all game building up to one epic turn but a stray remand or absorb keeps shutting you down. Or your a simple person with simple needs and just want to attack with the big creature you’ve been powering up all game but are certain it will be cleared away with an Immolating Glare if you ever dare attack.


No worries, this little guy is here to bail you out. Treetop lookout is a high value include in many green decks with powerful late game plays like Domri, Nissa, or Viven. It also can serve well in buying you a lot of free tempo in decks like Ajani or Vraska, often giving you a free attack with your massive monsters when the opponent least expects it. That’s a free turn tied to a 3/2 body!

Ejected This infamous card always looks terrible at first, but often plays better than it looks in strategies that are scarce on reliable removal for problem creatures like Soulsever Lich. Ejected is colorless, so it doesn’t take deckbuilding space or necessitate a specific splash so mono-colored decks like Chandra, Nissa, and Liliana get some free value here. Decks that have no trouble getting mana but probably can’t beat Soulsever Lich or Mizzium Monstrosity unchecked are the ones who might want to look to this card. This could be cradle ramp decks like Domri or Vivien that look to go a little bigger than the current turbo variants that are running all over but find themselves helpless against Liliana’s Zombie OTK.

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